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Crystal Energy Healing Certification

Crystal Energy Healing Certification

Crystal Energy Healing Certification 


This  Internationally Accredited Program its designed to give you the knowledge and skills to become a successful, confident and professional Crystal Energy Healer.


You will learn about Crystal Healing through hands-on activity modules, from sensing energy to performing a full Crystal Energy Therapy session.


This 10 weeks, ONLINE programm was created with an intuitive, practical approach to crystal therapy that will give you a foundation to create a knowledgeable, safe and healthy practice.


The course will include theory, demonstration, practice and home work.


You will require complete a test and 3 case studies to get your certification.



Crystal Healing Certification Program


Module 1


Introduction to Crystals

History of Crystal Healing

How it works

What is Energy?  Can you feel it? Can you see it?

Pendulum, how it works?

What are my abilities?

How to increase your intuition



Module 2


Subtle energy

Clearing and clean auras techniques

Energetic cords, different types.

Cutting energetic cords

Crystals and Techniques to protect your energy.

Learn grounding techniques


Module 3


Crystal Chakra Balance

Chakras System

How to recognize chakra imbalance

Symptoms of imbalances

Crystals for your chakras

Chakra Lay Out

Advance Chakra Balance



Module 4


Introduction to Subtle Body

Body Lay Outs.

Crystal Healing Layout for the body

Crystal Healing Layout for the mind

Crystal Healing Layout for the spirit

Create your own body lay out



Module 5


Crystal grids: basics, how to create healing grids.

Distance Healing, how it works, performing a DH session

Gem elixirs: how to create them, store and dosage.



Module 6


Become a professional Crystal Energy Healer

Create your Bliss-Sacred Space

How to perform a crystal healing session with confidence

Safety and Ethics

Forms to use in a session



Starting March 14th. at 7 to 9 pm.


At the end of each class you will receive the recording of the class and written material.



There is non refund policy on this programm.




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